Write for us

Note: Kindly contact us with high-quality posts only. We do not publish content which is already available in the market

If you want to write a story / blog / article. 1lazysearch is the right platform; we are providing you a chance to get your thoughts pen down and published in 1lazysearch. Let us know if you have the required skills.

What we look forward from you

  • We are looking for content with well researched topics
  • The article should have a minimum of 500 words
  • Article should be 100% original plagiarism free content
  • Article should be SEO friendly with copyright-free images
  • You have to do On-page SEO itself in your article
  • The article should be unpublished in any other websites
  • We always welcome new talent

What topic we cover

We at 1lazysearch are always interested to talk about anything which is making an impact on the reader. So the ball is in your court, you decide what should be sent to us.